What We Do
WhaleStarter consists of the following: 1. Web 3.0 development provider
2. Launch Platform via collaboration
3. NFT Membership Collection
Users will gain the most comprehensive, community-building experience in the Cryptocurrency and NFT sphere for crypto creators and collectors.
We aim to disrupt the cycle of early-stage NFT and deals in blockchain companies. While launchpads currently exist, many offer simply funding and even misrepresent themselves as providing investment vehicles.
Instead, we believe in focusing on web3 development resources for clients and cultivating long-term relationships with the initiatives we support - assisting in establishing organic growth that leads to long-term success for early projects. We allow crypto startups and NFT creators to launch using our development expertise and raise awareness via an upcoming launch platform. Crypto & NFT enthusiasts, in turn, interact with entrepreneurs and access "more" interesting projects from the start. Our focus will be on Metaverses, Gaming, and NFTs with utility. We are here to develop a community of creators, purchasers, and promising projects. Everyone benefits from this circumstance.
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